
Q. Can I place a photo order online?

If you want to order using a credit card you can do so directly from this website.
Go to the photo shoot, view an image and click 'order this photo'.
Q. Can I order and pay by cash, check or money order ?

The photo order form can be found linked below.
Download, print, complete and mail the order form with your payment.
Q. Will my photos be cropped and retouched ?

All images receive custom treatment which includes cropping and basic retouching at no additional cost. Basic retouching includes minor smoothing of skin tones, wrinkles and blemishes. Your image will be cropped for maximum impact, or according to your request if you have special instructions.
Q. Is there a fee for retouching above and beyond basic retouching ?

If you are unsure if your retouching request goes beyond 'basic' please ask.
If you do require more extensive retouching such as swapping heads between images, removing a person or object from an image or other alterations there is a fee for the additonal time involved in performing the artwork to your image. Fees are quoted on an individual image basis at the time of your order.
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